2018 was a busy and exciting year for the Guernsey Biological Record Centre!
In May we migrated to a new database mapping programme, DistmapsPro. This incorporates all the features of the original Distmaps but within ArcGIS Pro. The Record Centre’s focus is the collection, management and interpretation of wildlife data to support the conservation, understanding and enjoyment of local biodiversity and we can now do this using the latest mapping technology.
Jane Gilmour began enjoying a well earnt retirement at the end of June and I was appointed as the new manager towards the end of year. Growing up in Guernsey is a naturalist paradise and you can read about how this led me on a journey across the world, through the tropics to Antarctica and back again on our About Us page.
Other highlights of 2018 included;
Small Mammal Surveying
Imperial College visited Guernsey during May and June and their surveying revealed that our voles are, on average 10% larger than their European cousins.
The largest vole measured was 13.6 cm (5.4 in) in length. That’s 2 mm larger than the previous record and is thought to be the largest European common vole ever recorded!
Why are Guernsey Voles so big? We don’t yet know, but may be related to the Island Rule Hypotheses.
The publication of the revised and updated Check List of Guernsey Plants by Rachel Rabey and Jane Gilmour – click here to purchase
Guernsey black-backed meadow ant nest site survey data was included in Guernsey Facts and Figures Booklet 2018 (p 108) – click here to view the booklet
As more records are confirmed I’ll be updating this post to show some of the fantastic flora and fauna we have living among us.